Project brief description:
The project proposes the building and further usage of an industrial enterprise for manufacture of constructional and finishing materials made of wood-polymer composites (WPC/) that are used in construction, machinery, furniture and other industries. At the initial stage it is planned to manufacture at least three types of products – decking (floor decking), railing (boxlike section products), siding (finishing material for front of buildings and structures). Products made of WPC have an appearance of wood and physical and chemical properties of plasticizer. They are wonderful fabricating materials: they are cut, sawn, drilled, bent (at heat treatment). Unlike wood they do no rot, get moldy, or destroyed by insects and they have a long life.
The project has innovative elements and creates a multiplicative effect.
Purpose of investments:
Design specifications and estimates, rent and hereafter a buy-out of land plot, construction of production and administrative building, purchasing, erection and commissioning of technical equipment , purchasing of special vehicles, other main assets, connection to the engineering network, creation of initial reserves of floating assets, financing of general costs and salary fund of the investment stage of the project.
Total price of the project:
30.000.000,00 € (1 830 000 Tsd. Rubles by exchange rate of 1 € =61 Ruble)
The Plant's Location
The production will be located in Chapayevsk Town, Samara Region. The town is in the list of non-diversified municipal formations of Russian Federation (monotowns), approved by Russian Government Executive Order No1398-r dated from July 29, 2014. The plant will enter the industrial park “Chapayevsk” that was arranged by the Government of the Samara Region. The planned production will be located on the area of 3 Ha. The residents of the mentioned above industrial park are provided by all the necessary service lines for electric, heat, gas and water supplies, water disposal and road access. The residents of the industrial park are also supplied with some tax advantages.
The land plot is 3,5 ha in area. At the beginning of the construction works it will be rented. After the state registration of ownership for the newly constructed object it is expected to purchase the land plot according to the rules prescribed by law. The rental terms will be agreed with the administrative authority of Chapayevsk town taking into account the needs of construction and purchase.
Initiator of the project:
The initiator and beneficiary of the project is a Russian company SanWood, Limited Liability Company («SanWood», LLC), primary state registration number - 1036302940190, taxpayer identification number - 6376011861, industrial enterprise classification code - 637601001, registered on 24.06.1998 by the resolution No 673 of the administrative authority of the Krasnoyarski district, Samara Region and registered in Inter-district Office of Federal Tax Service No.7 in Samara Region.
SanWood LLC was created as a diversified manufacturing and trade company which it had been earlier for many years. Then the decision was taken to concentrate all efforts of the company for implementation of the investment project, making it to be a special purpose company precisely for the present project. The economic activity of the enterprise was suspended. At present SanWood LLC only works on the promotion of the project. The company's current needs are covered by revenues received from the property rent.
The project has regional support
The administration of Chapayevsk town supports the project and creates good conditions for its implementation, including preferences.
In 2013 the project became a winner of the public award "Regions – sustainable development", and in 2016 it was recorded as one of the most detailed projects into the document of the meeting of the Russian single-industry towns, where the first Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government was present.
The project passed 100% pre-investment preparation stage and is ready for implementation - we have a business plan, agreements with the suppliers of the equipment and raw materials, and with the contractors.
At this moment:
- the feasibility study development and also the business plan, calculations and attachments to it are kept up to date;
- there were conducted negotiations with German companies (a face to face meeting with companies’ managers on the territory of Germany) that manufacture the equipment.
There were defined:
- the production volume of WPC (wood-polymer composite) products.
- there was developed the production process of WPC products’ manufacturing.
- capacities (water, gas, electricity, etc) of the newly created production.
- a list of the equipment, scope of supply of each company-manufacturer, technical features, cost.
- separation of the responsibilities of the companies while installing the equipment at the newly created areas.
- there was developed a preliminary design of the enterprise.
- there were held negotiations and reached agreements with raw material suppliers and buyers of products;
- there was studied the subject of the innovative products’ manufacturing: with antibacterial, heat-reflecting and heating properties, there was reached an agreement on the development of appropriate technologies and acquisition of patents;
- there were concluded agreements with Research and Development Center «WPC» (Moscow) for provision of advisory services and certification of the newly created Laboratory and products manufactured in accordance with the standards of GOST and ISO.
The Plan of advancement of the innovative products’ manufacturing was developed:
(the result of which is the manufacture patent for the innovative products’ manufacturing) it includes:
1. The agreement for research and development activity(R&D):
- Patent applicationfor the utility model and its production technology
- Manufacturing technology of the innovative product
- Method of implementation for a specific process line of the customer
- Designer's technical supervision of the commissioning works on the technology implementation
2. The agreement for the technical support for products according to the contract:
- Solution of technical problems associated with the production of a particular product
- Development and improvement of the applied technology
- Further patent applications for the improved technologies
3. Contract for delivery of the innovative products
Competitive advantages of the planned products are the following:
-high quality, due to use of the ISO certified equipment of German manufacturers – in other words, we will arrange the production process according to the rule "We produce certified products on certified equipment".
This equipment is part of the automated technological complex working under the supervision of a single operator with use of software of German company Card Word.
-availability of technology and recipe for WPC products’ manufacturing, tested by equipment manufacturers taking into account peculiarities of local markets’ raw materials.
-availability of own laboratory equipped for testing of input of raw materials quality and manufactured products quality at output.
The products’ innovative features:
The project goal is to produce innovative goods which have no similar products both in Russian and international markets, which will have demand worldwide and have the following properties:
- antibacterial features, with silver nanoparticles in the composition of the polymer used for interior decoration in hospitals, schools, army, prison system, agricultural enterprises, enterprises of food industry and public catering.
- heat reflecting features, with use of nanoparticles of various metals and of special shapes, with high level of heat reflection factor. The demand for this product is placed in the state innovation policy, the program "Energy efficiency", this will provide interest from the part of state organizations-buyers
- panel-type radiators – panels with heating elements on their surface (according to the technology of laminating or printing conductors), which can maintain temperature at the required level. Use of a combination of heat-reflecting and heating properties will allow to obtain high-performance low-voltage systems to maintain a comfortable temperature when interior finishing of the premises where it is technically impossible to arrange the heating by any other means.
Conditions for raising funds
The duration of the investment phase of the project (design, construction works, installation of the equipment,training of personnel and commissioning and startup of the factory) is 24 months.
The amount of necessary funds: 30.0 million euro (1 830 million rubles). The optimum form of financing is a loan. The terms of participation in the project we are ready to discuss. There may be several lenders or investors, but in total we need 100% financing.
The loan use period: 5 years from the date of the complete loan granting.
The expectation effect of the funds invested into the project:
Internal rate of return of the project | IRR=163% |
in a pessimistic case (at decrease in sales by 50%) | IRRинв=75%. |
The payback period (without discounting): - in the base case is | 3,6 years |
- in the pessimistic case is (at the decrease in sales by 50 %) | 4,3 years |
Point of return is (of the planned volume of sales) | 27,5% |
The estimated revenue at a single shift operation is in the first year of operation | 85 294 tsd.€ |
at two-shift operation is | 189 541 tsd.€ |
Budget efficiency of the project exceeds | 400,0 tsd. €./ год |
The project investment from the revenue position is equivalent to using the funds on bank deposit at 31,18% per annum without interest capitalization or at 12.04% per annum with annual interest capitalization.
Motivational aspects and security:
SanWood LLC has been acting in the Russian market for 18 years. The company is a small business that allows to use a number of legal advantages, it does not have and has never had debts towards the budget, banks, or commercial partners. The attraction of external loans is not practiced. The company is stable and has a break-even balance.
For the purposes of financial instrument’s seeking they provide the consolidated account of LLC "SanWood" and Joint-stock company "Teploenergokompaniya", which is a large company with a complimentary credit history.
As security for the lender/investor they provide a municipal guarantee of Chapayevsk Town, Samara region, at the rate of 100 million rubles, the pledge of land plots on the territory of Chapayevsk in the amount of 9 836.1 million €, surety of Joint-stock company " Teploenergokompaniya " in the amount of 9 560.2 million rubles, the pledge of buildings on the territory of Novokuibyshevsk Town, Samara region, owned by the initiator of the project in the amount of 272.13 million €.
The planned number of employees to participate in the project.
During the investment phase we will keep the existing personnel policy in order to reduce the cost finance load, since the construction works will be conducted with the involvement of the existing General contractor. In the operational phase during the first year it is expected to employ 78 people, from the second year – 168 persons.
Bld. 30, Galaktionovskaya Str, 443099 Samara, Russian Federation.
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